Being Lazy is Being Green

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Okay… so this blog post has absolutely NOTHING to do with SharePoint. Nada… zero… zilch… so, if you are looking to be enlightened today, please look elsewhere…

My eyes are crossing from sitting here writing code for who knows how many hours, so I needed to take a break from logic and reason… and a purely non-technical blog post started forming…

Did you ever stop and think about how being lazy is actually being green? I mean.. really think about it:

  • By being lazy you never get out and go anywhere so you are using less fossil fuels…
  • By sitting on your rear and never getting your heart rate up you are consuming less oxygen and producing less CO2…
  • By being a worthless bump-on-a-log you aren’t wearing out shoes, and clothes, so less material is going to landfills…
  • By hitting that snooze button 27 times you are not turning on lights, tvs, computers, taking a shower.. etc.. which means you are conserving electricity and water…
  • As you get fatter and too lazy to actually stand in the shower, think about how much water you are saving when you take a bath and it requires less water to fill the bathtub?
  • You also conserve water and electricity on laundry by changing clothes only 2-3 times a week.
  • Also, there’s a good chance a lazy person will die 10 years or so sooner than someone who is active and healthy. That’s 10 years of not consuming precious resources!!!

Think about how selfish all those active and motivated people are!

So, the next time someone tells you to get off your lazy butt and do something, you can spout back with utmost pride… “I AM doing something.. I’m saving the planet!!!”


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